Head and Neck Pain-Sufferers Get the NFL Treatment at Denver Headache and Spine Center

ESPN’s documentary 30 For 30 The '85 Bears takes a look back at some remarkable football greats, including William Perry and Walter Payton, to catch up with them 30 years after their remarkable careers as part of the championship Chicago Bears.

The program also features the compelling story of Jim McMahon, whose prolific, impressive, and sometimes controversial sports career and life, have also been shadowed by severe head and neck pain, onset dementia, and depression – attributed to the countless injuries sustained on the field.

McMahon shares his story of recovery, attributing the recent relief from both physical and emotional ailments to a spinal-misalignment therapy via FONAR Upright MRI that he received from New York’s Dr. Scott Rosa. Also known as Atlas Orthogonal Percussive Wave therapy, Dr. Rosa is a foremost expert in the use of this innovative technology coupled with upright MRI imaging.

This non-invasive, painless delivery of sound pressure to the upper bone in the neck has been shown to provide a great deal of relief for the most severe of head and neck problems. Like many Atlas Orthogonal patients, McMahon reportedly found remarkable relief from this non-surgical application that targets the misalignment of the Atlas bone at the base of the skull.

Dr. Randy James of Denver Headache and Spine Center offers this head and neck pain technology in a clinic setting – albeit without the upright MRI application. Dr. James is only one of three doctors in Colorado to be board-certified in the use of the Atlas Orthogonal instrument and therapy.

“You don’t have to be a professional athlete to get world-class pain relief,” explains Dr. James. “While my colleague Dr. Rosa is a foremost expert in the use of the FONAR upright MRI, I offer the same percussive sound-wave technology in a private practice with excellent results – right here in Denver.”

Dr. James explains that the outcomes are excellent for any cause of the Atlas misalignment. “Whether you suffer a ski injury, perform manual labor, have been in an accident, or simply experience stress and strain in daily life, this non-invasive treatment could be of tremendous help.”


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Denver Headache and Spine Center Provides Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Care, Unique in Colorado