

A patient of Dr. Randy James at the Denver Headache and Spine Center shares their experience on a local television broadcast. She works on a computer all day and would have headaches that would last a week. She looked around for a doctor that specialized in headaches and found Dr. Randy James. Now she can "go about her life and not have to give up things".

Often times pain is the result of damage to one or more cervical vertebra (neck bones). Proper treatment of this damage reduces the frequency, intensity, and duration of pain. In other words a patient is expected to notice pain less often, and if they do it's not as bad and does not last as long.

The anatomy at the base of the skull is delicate and unfortunately can be injured easily. In fact, some patients cannot remember how they actually hurt themselves. It may be one event or may be the cumulative effect of several events. Some of the most common causes of neck pain and headaches seen at the Denver Headache and Spine Center are from:

  • Car accidents

  • Contact sports

  • Skiing/ Snowboarding

  • Horseback riding

  • Poor posture/ Repetitive stress

  • Slip and fall

The onset of symptoms can be immediate, but often times is more insidious or gradual. Some people start to develop pain years after an injury that they thought was trivial at the time.

Dr. Randy James has successfully completed extensive post graduate training that allows him to specialize in a non-surgical, FDA cleared, painless procedure aimed minimizing headache and neck pain. There are roughly 600 board certified doctors worldwide performing this procedure. As of 2015 there are three doctors in the state of Colorado, two of which are at the Denver Headache and Spine Center facility.


Dave's Testimonial


Marcie's Testimonial